Dave Grohl + The Prodigy = Sant!

By Mona De Wall on 14:18

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Att Prodigy är tillbaka visade jag i ett inlägg för en tid sedan. Nu kommer ytterligare lite kul info angående deras kommande platta "Invaders Must Die". Dave Grohl, legendarisk trummis för Nirvana, idag frontman i Foo Fighters kommer att medverka som trummis på spåret "Run With The Wolves".

Liam Howlett i Prodigy säger;

- "We've known Dave for quite a few years. We haven't just phoned him up and said, 'Dave can you get on the record?' He just emailed to say he's finished his touring, he really loves drumming and wants to get back into it. He sent me some drums on a hard-drive with hope that it might inspire me to write a song - sure enough when I got the hard-drive it was really inspirational."Within the first ten seconds of it being on I was like 'Yeah this is a song'.

Prodigy har egentligen inte gjort något nämnvärt sedan slutet på 90-talet. Jag väntar med spänning på nya albumet...


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